"Throughout the entire process, [Stacey] was nothing but encouraging, supportive and calm. My husband and I both highly recommend her as a doula!"

My husband and I both felt comfortable with Stacey and were relaxed by her calm presence right away. It was an easy decision choosing her as our doula. She is very knowledgable and clearly communicates best practices.

Before our birth, Stacey checked in with us periodically, offered resources, provided tools and encouraged us.

On the day I went into labor, Stacey met us along the highway so she could ride with us, offering support on the drive to the chiropractor. I was especially thankful for her support in the car. She applied counter-pressure and had essential oils ready to help me through contractions.

During labor, Stacey was there for both of us the entire time, ensuring I was fed, hydrated, using the restroom...she even applied chapstick for me while I was in the birth tub.

The birth of our son didn't go as planned, and we ended up transferring to the hospital. Stacey was there every step of the way and stayed with us afterwards.

A few weeks postpartum she came to our house and chatted with us to help us process all that happened.

Throughout the entire process, she was nothing but encouraging, supportive and calm. My husband and I both highly recommend her as a doula!

—Kara | McKinney, Texas