"I gave birth 2.5 hours after the midwife arrived! I believe that it was because of Lindsay’s support that I had my baby that night. And her presence made the experience so peaceful."

Lindsay’s doula service was an incredible support for our recent home birth! She made great suggestions for positions to move labor along, and she offered wonderful emotional support! 20 minutes after she arrived and took me curb walking, my contractions went from 8 minutes apart to 5 minutes apart. Later when the midwife was checking in, but contractions had spaced a little bit, she encouraged me to tell the midwife to come so that I would have my whole birth team assembled and feel ready to progress further. And that’s what happened! I gave birth 2.5 hours after the midwife arrived! I believe that it was because of Lindsay’s support that I had my baby that night. And her presence made the experience so peaceful. We wouldn’t hesitate to hire her again!

—Maresa | Lewisville, Texas